I have a model in django that contains a start and end date for a financial year and a value for demand volume. I would like to filter this data on a given date range that may not coincide with the date ranges of the data, taking a proportion of the demand from each data point that may fall somewhere
Tag: django-models
Django search returning Exception Value: object of type ‘method’ has no len()
Pretty new to Django Rest Framework and I’m not quite sure how to debug this error at the moment. When I set a breakpoint in the view search view. I see all my products in results Pagination is set in settings.py Search view Products view Products model Below is the full trace of my error Answer You are missing ()
Django is_active field is not changing
I’m using django 4.0 when i change the is_active to False from django admin, it doesn’t make any changes to the object, I have override the save method in models. models.py admin.py Can anyone advise ? The problem started when i added the save() in models.py Answer The .save() method should always call the super method, regardless whether pk is
Django upload multiple images per post
I want to let the user upload multiple images per post. Similarly to an e-commerce platform with multiple images per product. But till now the images are not sent to the database. That’s my code so far: models.py: forms.py: views.py: project_form.html: settings.py: project urls.py app urls.py Answer Issue: You have made ProjectForm which relates to Project model, but the image
How to resolve “NoReverseMatch” Error in Django?
So I’m trying to create a table of hosts, and as one of the fields of that table include a clickable link to an update page. Which will pass the host_id to the update page. I was hoping someone could tell me what I’m doing wrong with regards to passing the correct parameter to upate/<host_id>. As I’m not quite sure
(DRF) How to update a foreignkey field
I have two models, Account model & Thread model: If I have already created a thread that is ForeignKey to the Account model, I am not able to change the username of the Account model, returning the error FOREIGN KEY constraint failed. I guess the existing Thread model require a username to point to. Is there way to create a
django FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword ‘category_name_contains’ into field. Choices are: category, description, id, image, name, order, price
I want to build a food delivering app, but facing this error. “FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword ‘category_name_contains’ into field. Choices are: catego ry, description, id, image, name, order, price”. This is the query.py: This is the views.py This is my models.py: Here’s the traceback: So this my problem I have tried many solutions still not getting the problem here. As
type object ‘PizzaMenu’ has no attribute ‘_default_manager’
I have following error while i try to reach PizzaDetailView on template: AttributeError at /pizza/6/ type object ‘PizzaMenu’ has no attribute ‘_default_manager’. Where is the problem? models.py views.py urls.py Answer Don’t name your view PizzaMenu, it will override the reference to the PizzaMenu for the other views. Usually class-based views have a …View suffix, so:
Change boolean data when adding new registration
In this piece of code l want to change the boolean data of room when adding new registration For example: when l add new registration in django admin the boolean data of room should change to False Answer You should use Django’s signals for that. Just create signals.py in your app’s folder and do that: and add to your apps.py
Django Model Form doesn’t seem to validate the BooleanField
In my model the validation is not validating for the boolean field, only one time product_field need to be checked , if two time checked raise validation error. Answer Boolean and None are not always the same. I think that is the root of your problem. Here is None vs False: I find the code and information confusing. I assume