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Tag: dictionary

import attrmap gives TypeError: ‘type’ object is not subscriptable

I’m trying to use the library AttrMap which is suggested as an alternative to AttrDict library. From the documentation of AttrDict: … If either of these caveats are deal-breakers, or you don’t need your object to be a dict, consider using AttrMap instead. I installed it with pip install attrmap and imported it in a fresh conda environment, as usual

How to change the name of the dictionary while iterating over it?

How can I change the name of the dictionary while, iterating it over a while-loop(or any other)… so that it saves the input information in a dictionary with different name every single time? This would save the information(as a dictionary) in different names(like biodata1, biodata2, etc…) so that processing those informations become easy!! Answer What I would advice would be

Append dictionaries created using for loop in python

I have create dictionary d inside the function ic_strategy_2. ic_strategy_2 is iterated for each elements in list using for loop, which will create 3 dictionary. When below code is tested, only single dictionary is getting printed though I append it in for loop. I want to append multiple dictionary created from d into one new dictionary as shown in expected

Python: Building list of lists using dictionary recursion

I have a very complicated problem that I am sort of hoping to rubberduck here: I have a dictionary: whose structure wont always be the same (i.e., there could be further nesting or more keys in any sub-dictionary). I need to be able to generate a specifically ordered list of lists (contained sub-lists need not be ordered) based on some

Transform list to dictionary with ID’s and content [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 7 months ago. Improve this question Given list is llist = [‘4|right’, ‘ 2|left’, ‘ 2|down’, ‘ 2|right’] And the output must be like this: Answer The provided output is invalid
