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Tag: datetime

Pandas: Get year to date dates from previous year

I want to compare the dates ranging from January 1st till the current day, from this year versus from last year. example: get the rows with dates ranging from january 1st till november 29th 2020 get the rows with dates ranging from january 1st till november 29th 2021 here is what I have tryed doing, and the only way I

Matplot lib generates Date in X-axis from Jan 1970

I have date index available in the following format: But the following code generates wrong graph: Answer Your dataframe index is likely in the wrong format: str. You can check this with, if you have something like: If that’s the case, you need to convert index type from str to datetime with: Code example: Without to_datetime conversion: With to_datetime

adding tzinfo for naive datetime cause strange offset?

I’m just trying to add tzinfo for my datetime object (with no specific time). I have date in str format, and timezone in str format. I created this function: all looks fine when I am using tzinfo like: “Etc/GMT-6”: but look at this: Why do I get such a strange values like 03:19, 05:18 when it should be 03:00, -05:00?

Sorting a list of ec2 instances python

I have a python script which prints out a list of ec2 instances as follows : [‘i-06db4eb158ad0bdfd,2021-05-12 12:04:19+00:00,False’, ‘i-0f67cf99fb4536c3f,2020-10-14 13:32:23+00:00,asg-elk-‘, ‘i-0539c8dfc839cbfda,2020-10-26 07:38:01+00:00,asg-standalone’, ‘i-0f285277529543462,2018-05-18 16:47:00+00:00,False’, ‘i-0d649cebdf54bd2f4,2020-03-12 10:07:07+00:00,asg-ddf’, ‘i-01734dfef0159c5c8,2020-10-20 13:05:27+00:00,asg-pro’, ‘i-0ff596f1dc01b61d8,2021-03-17 11:21:21+00:00,asg-base-test’] I want to be able to sort the list out based on CreationDateTime. I have used the python built-in function sorted() but that doesn’t seem to be giving me the
