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Tag: date

add_datepart( ) produces KeyError

I’m trying to split a date column in a pandas data frame using add_datepart( ). However, running trainingSetFirstCycle = add_datepart(trainingSetFirstCycle,, drop=True) returns this error message: I checked the documentation to see what I’d done wrong. In the example shown, the definition of the data frame includes a dictionary consisting of the column name “date” and a list containing its

Get the last day of a year

I have a pandas df with a year column. I want to get the last day of that year. For example: 2020 –> 2020/12/31 I tried: but I get this error: “cannot convert the series to <class ‘int’> ” What am I doing wrong? Thanks PS I realized I could just do: but I’m still wondering what was wrong in

Pandas conditional counting by date

I want to count all orders done by each customer at each order date, to find out how many orders were done at the time of each order. Input: Expected output: The following code works but is extremely slow. Taking upwards of 10 hours for 100k+ rows. There is certainly a better way. Answer Try sort_values to get dates in

Dash Dynamic Dropdown with Custom Option

I’m trying to create a dropdown menu that says ‘today’, ‘yesterday’, ‘last 7 days’ and ‘custom’. I want the calendar to automatically update when I choose an option in the dropdown menu. For ‘custom’ I want to pull the calendar so I can choose any dates I want. Here’s the sample code: The dropdown and calendar show up on that
