I have a dataframe like as shown below What I would like to do is copy non-na rows from Test column and paste it in corresponding row under sourcename column When I tried the below, it makes the other rows of sourcename column as NA I expect my output to be like as shown below Answer One idea with Series.fillna:
Tag: dataframe
Pandas update index on dataframe view
I have a multi-indexed (2 levels) pandas Dataframe called data. I create a view on a part of this dataframe with smalldata = data.loc[(slice(start,end),slice(None)),:]. If I display smalldata, it displays the data I expect. If I print smalldata.index, it shows the multi-index I expect based on the values I chose for start and end. But, if I print smalldata.index.levels, I
Pandas `hash_pandas_object` not producing duplicate hash values for duplicate entires
I have two dataframes, df1 and df2, and I know that df2 is a subset of df1. What I am trying to do is find the set difference between df1 and df2, such that df1 has only entries that are different from those in df2. To accomplish this, I first used pandas.util.hash_pandas_object on each of the dataframes, and then found
I need to add specific rows in pandas DataFrame, at specific position
I’m currently working on a project and I need to add specific rows whenever the tagged sentence ends. Whenever the ‘N’ column equals 1 it means that a new sentence started. I want to add two rows for each sentence: a row with ‘Pos’= START at the beginning of the sentence, and a row with ‘Pos’=End at the end of
How to sort a dataframe with the first occurences of each unique element in a column?
Dataframe is it is So i’d like to sort this df over the fehmi over the first occurences of the entries and they are grouped together then. The desired is because we saw trial first in df so we gather its entries together. Then we saw error so they are together and so on. I attempted with a groupby with
elegant way to replace multiple list of values with a multiple single value
I have a dataframe like as shown below I would like to replace a list of values like as shown below a) Replace P, PRIMARY,PRI with primary b) Replace S, SECONDARY, SEC with secondary c) Replace T, TERTIARY, THIRD with third I tried the below But is there any other efficient and elegant way to write this in a single
Plot a bar plot by using Seaborn
I am new in data visualization. I am practicing Seaborn and I am trying to plot a barplot with this dataframe. I want the chart has 3 bars on each symbol, however, the output has only 1 bar on each symbol. May I know how to fix it? Part of the DataFrame… The code like this: Output like this: Answer
Multiple XML files in directory Python
I am fairly new to Python and this community has been a great help! I am learning a lot. I’m trying to use this existing code to loop through multiple XML files in the same directory. Currently, the code is looking at one specific file. Any help is greatly appreciated! Answer This should help you…
I need help formating this data
I have data like this The problem is some data is not in the format like this As you can see in the “local,hometown” there are 3 commas, I want to delete one of them so the data become like this This is just an example to the problem in my data there could be more than 3 commas and
Converting a dataframe with a line separator
I make a function that accepts a dataframe as input: And returns a dataframe, where a certain delimiter number (in the example, it is 6) is the passed parameter: Here’s what I got: How can I simplify the function and make it more versatile? How do I make the function faster? Thanks. Answer You can do this concisely with np.split()