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Tag: dataframe

How to Subtract rows after group by in Python?

I had a dataframe and after applying groupby().sum, I got this outcome. What I have What I want now Things to consider B should remove from the dataframe because 100.00 – 100.00 = 0 Always Buy Amount > Sell Amount How can I achieve this result? Answer I guess it is not optimized way, but you can try this code

Average for similar looking data in a column using Pandas

I’m working on a large data with more than 60K rows. I have continuous measurement of current in a column. A code is measured for a second where the equipment measures it for 14/15/16/17 times, depending on the equipment speed and then the measurement moves to the next code and again measures for 14/15/16/17 times and so forth. Every time

Extract strings from a Dataframe looping over a single row

I’m reading multiple PDFs (using tabula) into data frames like this: dataframe figure My intention is to use that value ‘330736 1′ into the variable “number” and ’30/09/2015’ into a variable “date”. The issue is that, although these values will always be located in row 1, the columns vary in an unpredictable way across the multiple PDFs. Therefore, I tried

Sampling data from the pandas dataframe

I am trying to sample data from a big dataset. The dataset is like Code to generate a sample dataset The distribution of labels in the dataset is I created a new column in the dataset When I am trying to sample say 5000 items The distribution of the labels in the sampledf is not same as that in the

How to sort a dataframe with strings

I got an code running that imports an excel file, and i want to be able to sort some of the data in it and write it to a new excel file. I got the code working somewhat as I want, but can’t make it sort the values as wanted… I want to sort the df from the column named
