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Tag: dataframe

IndexError: single positional indexer is out-of-bounds

I have a dataframe that contains a few rows. I want to access one by one row and create another data frame with specific columns. After that running some other logics but it failed before that. Dataframe df_input_data Access row using iterrows(): Output: Creating another dataframe: issue is df_src_input is empty. Is there any other way to assign value to

How to filter based on id which contains specific name in another column in an excel file using Python

I have a excel file containing three columns as shown below, ID Name Date 1136 GG Daubringen 2019-04-08 1136 Manheinm 2020-06-16 1136 Manheinm Streitkof 2020-07-24 1136 Staufenberg 2020-08-15 1136 Stürcken 2021-03-05 1136 Stürcken (FTTH) 2021-09-13 1234 Lerbeck 2019-04-18 1234 BAd oyehausen 2020-06-26 1234 Werre Park 2020-07-14 1234 Werre Park (FTTH) 2020-08-25 1234 Werre Park (FTTH) 2021-03-15 1234 Bad oyehausen 2021-09-23

Applymap on all but one Pandas DataFrame?

I have a DataFrame df that looks like this: I would like to change each element of each column except for the first to its corresponding integer ASCII code (i.e. “M” gets mapped to the integer 77, “A” gets mapped to 65, etc.). I can achieve this result with the following: Is there a better way to do this? There

One to many mapping with a ChainMap Dictionary

I would like do a one to many mapping with the following list and mapping dictonary: This is my dataframe: When I do the mapping as follows: The problem is that I want to do a one to many mapping and I don’t capture the relationship. The desired outcome would be something like this. Which creates a new line when
