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Tag: csv

Shuffle rows of a large csv

I want to shuffle this dataset to have a random set. It has 1.6 million rows but the first are 0 and the last 4, so I need pick samples randomly to have more than one class. The actual code prints only class 0 (meaning in just 1 class). I took advice from this platform but doesn’t work. Answer Because

txt to csv with python pandas

I have a txt file that I would like to read and export in csv format, but i have one problem. Data in txt file looks like this | and I would like to show each columns separately in csv file. Now as you see columns are separated by | . As an example – Sales Organization should be a

Python code to read a csv file and create a master csv file

I have a folder let’s say as ‘input_Folder’ which has a list of CSV files with data. I’m trying to write a Python code which reads this list of CSV files from the input_folder and creates a master CSV file with two columns. The columns in the master CSV files are ‘Scenario’ and ‘Status’. Column Name requirement are as follows,

converting a key value text file into a CSV file

I have a text file that needs to be converted into CSV file using pandas. A piece of it is presented in the following: Rows are cod,10, and cod,18 and the columns are 1, 2, 3,…, 15. Any idea? Regards, Ali Answer I use pandas to deal with the conversion, but vanilla Python to deal with some of aspects of
