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Tag: csv

Writing data to multiple folders in Python

I am trying to write A in multiple folders, namely, 1,2,3,4,5 with file name A.txt. But I am getting an error. How do I fix it? The error is Answer There appears to be a dearth of answers explaining what the actual problem is among the possible duplicates on this site, so here goes. csv.csvwriter.writerow expects an iterable of elements

Export filters csv data to a new csv (python)

I would like to be able to read a csv file, filter out the data that I need based on the input of a user and then take that output and write it to a new CSV file. A manual example would be to take a table in excel, filter specific columns to a certain value and take that filtered

exporting DF to csv with variable file names

I would like to keep this same code but adjust the .to_csv section to save a variable repeating file name I would like the names of the exported files to look like this…I think I need some sort of loop? Period 1 layer 1.csv Period 1 layer 2.csv Period 1 layer 3.csv Period 1 layer 4.csv Period 1 layer 5.csv

how to load and save pandas data frame to excel .csv file

CODE:- Now when I run the code I am getting this output. How to load this output into the excel as .csv file with the name as ’11-08-2022.csv’. And suppose if I run the code on 12-08-2022 then another .csv file should add in the same folder where first .csv file has saved and now the file name should be

Pandas won’t create CSV file?

just trying to save websockets to CSV’s. But it just doesnt make the file. Nothing in the directory. Tried running VScvode as admin, moving folder out of C: drive to documents .. nothing. no csv file, and no error. and no information on the internet about this either. So i kept stripping down the code to the most basic, and
