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Tag: class

Python :TypeError: this constructor takes no arguments

When the user enters an email address, and the program reads the email and display it according to its criteria (e.g, like criteria: username is yeo.myy domain is I know its something to do with the “@”. this is the code this is the error I got: Answer Did you mean __init__? You’re also missing a couple selfs

Python classes self.variables

I have started learning python classes some time ago, and there is something that I do not understand when it comes to usage of self.variables inside of a class. I googled, but couldn’t find the answer. I am not a programmer, just a python hobbyist. Here is an example of a simple class, with two ways of defining it: 1)first

Overriding __dict__() on python class

I have a class where I want to get the object back as a dictionary, so I implemented this in the __dict__(). Is this correct? I figured once I did that, I could then use the dict (custom object), and get back the object as a dictionary, but that does not work. Should you override __dict__()? How can you make

Python’s equivalent of .Net’s sealed class

Does python have anything similar to a sealed class? I believe it’s also known as final class, in java. In other words, in python, can we mark a class so it can never be inherited or expanded upon? Did python ever considered having such a feature? Why? Disclaimers Actually trying to understand why sealed classes even exist. Answer here (and

How to get instance given a method of the instance?

Now can you get a reference to myInstance if you now only have access to methodReference? Answer If you are using Python 3: Otherwise: and by a similar token, for the class: For this kind of code discovery you should install iPython and use tab, for instance, in your case myReference.+TAB would give: Hence, you don’t need to worry about

dynamically adding callable to class as instance “method”

I implemented a metaclass that tears down the class attributes for classes created with it and builds methods from the data from those arguments, then attaches those dynamically created methods directly to the class object (the class in question allows for easy definition of web form objects for use in a web testing framework). It has been working just fine,

Overriding in Python

I want to be able to do the following I would like to get a parent function from a child class in a function that is overriding it. I am not sure how to do this. This is a little hard to explain, comment if you are having trouble understanding. Edit: Thanks for the answers everyone, I almost thought that

Dynamically creating a class from file

I’ve seen these “Dynamically create a class” questions which are answered saying, “use the type() function”. I’m sure I’ll have to at some point but right know I’m clueless. But from what I’ve seen you have to already know something about the class, such as a name. What I’m trying to do is parse an idl type of file and

Comparable classes in Python 3

What is the standard way of making a class comparable in Python 3? (For example, by id.) Answer To make classes comparable, you only need to implement __lt__ and decorate the class with functools.total_ordering. You should also provide an __eq__ method if possible. This provides the rest of the comparison operators so you don’t have to write any of them
