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Tag: azure

get contents of all azure blobs via python

I want to list all the blobs in a container and then ultimately store each blobs contents (each blob stores a csv file) into a data frame, it appears that the blob service client is the easiest way to list all the blobs, and this is what I have: However, in the last version of blob storage client there appears

Azure DevOps: How to download a file from git using REST API?

Following the example here: I can query a dev ops organization and get a response like so: How can I use Python to, I guess, download that url? The file should be an XML file. I want to read (download) it directly from Python. If I take the url returned above and insert it into yet another GET request,

Why Can’t I Add Azure DB Extension on Mac?

I am following this guide: After successfully completing Step 1 and Step 2, I get to Step 3: “Install the db-up extension for the Azure CLI: az extension add –name db-up” Yet, when I run this command, I receive the following output: Any ideas here? I’ve tried some of the solutions to similar errors I’ve found on Stack/GitHub, but
