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Tag: azure

list and restore soft deleted blobs – azure python

I need to restore multiple blobs in my container.The storage account was enabled with soft delete for 10 days. I see here on how to undelete , but I have multiple blobs recursively within directories which are soft deleted However I failed to find here via python. I need to do it in python to list and undelete the blobs

Azure Storage Table returning empty entities

I have the following Python code: It is working, however, for the first results, a.items comes empty. After 10 queries, it finally starts returning some data. It is like the table has no rows for the values I queried. I know it has, and it eventually comes. But only after returning too many empty results. I have a PHP code

azure – list containers in python

I’m trying to list the containers under an azure account using the python sdk – why do I get the following? Surely the above is a call to the function and not a reference to the function itself. Answer you get the following according to source code it return ListGenerator(resp, self._list_containers, (), kwargs) you can access what you want as
