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Tag: azure-blob-storage

get contents of all azure blobs via python

I want to list all the blobs in a container and then ultimately store each blobs contents (each blob stores a csv file) into a data frame, it appears that the blob service client is the easiest way to list all the blobs, and this is what I have: However, in the last version of blob storage client there appears

Access data within the blob storage without downloading

Our customer is using Azure’s blob storage service to save big files so that we can work with them using an Azure online service. We want to read and work with these files with a computing resource obtained by Azure directly without downloading them into another Azure service, like Azure Machine Learning Studio. Until now, we are unable to access

How to check if a folder exist or not in Azure container using Python?

I have a storage container and inside that I have 3 levels of directories as follow: I need to check are there any blob present in Folder3 or even better just check if Folder3 exist or not. I tried to use blob_exist = BlobClient.from_connection_string(conn_str = os.getenv(“conString”), container_name=”Container”,blob_name=”Folder1/Folder2/Folder3″).exists() It always returns False irrespective of folder exists or not. Can anybody tell

list and restore soft deleted blobs – azure python

I need to restore multiple blobs in my container.The storage account was enabled with soft delete for 10 days. I see here on how to undelete , but I have multiple blobs recursively within directories which are soft deleted However I failed to find here via python. I need to do it in python to list and undelete the blobs
