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Tag: api

The iteration loop is not working properly for API

There is an API that only produces one hundred results per page. I am trying to make a while loop so that it goes through all pages and takes results from all pages, but it does not work properly. This script goes through the pages: At startup: He sees five pages. When I look at the variable after execution: He

Authorization error 401 using API – Python

This is my first time using an API in Python. I want to give a query on the website Not sure what the API_KEY has to be. Also, I do have an account on this website but I do not have to log in to get a query result. Can someone please help me out? Here’s the error output:

Why I am getting “add_item() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given” Moncli

Hello I am working on connecting a Scraper to using Moncli. Moncli Library Here is my current code: The Document Says this: If someone can help me out please do. Answer groups=obj.get_board(id=846185373).get_group(title=’Pending’) item_name=’Asim’ thisdict = { “text60”: “Ford” } change this line groups.add_item(“asim”,column_values=thisdict) This worked for me.

Calling an External API That Fails Randomly

I am using Django server to call a Korean government’s weather API to retrieve weather data for around 1800 locations. However, this weather API results in time out most of the time. I tried giving resting periods. For example, for every request, it will sleep for 0.8 seconds and after every 30 requests, it will sleep for 30 seconds. But

API web data capture

I am attempting to pull golf stats for an analysis project. TL;DR summary: Should I scrape or use a loop with API I found in network console? I want to pull data for 6 or 7 stat categories, by year(2015-present), and preferably by tournament to better categorize player tournament performance. Base Url is: The site has numerous pages, and

How to connect to HTTPS connection to use an API in Python?

This is the requirement from the API’s documentation A HTTPS connection is needed to use the API. This means that you will require a secure SSL/TLS connection to be able to communicate with our API Server. This is the Curl command of getting the clients in their documentation So, I need to implement the same thing in Python Answer

How to delete queue updates in telegram api?

I’m trying to delete messages from /getUpdates in telegram API but I didn’t know how.. I tried to use /deleteMessage But it didn’t delete message from API database.. Answer TL;DR: Call getUpdates() with the offset parameter set to the last message’s id, incremented by 1 We’ll need to let Telegram know which message’s we’ve processed. To do this, set the
