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Tag: api

Python API Rate Limiting – How to Limit API Calls Globally

I’m trying to restrict the API calls in my code. I already found a nice python library ratelimiter==1.0.2.post0 However, this library can only limit the rate in local scope. i.e) in function and loops Because I have several functions, which make API calls, in different places, I want to limit the API calls in global scope. For example, suppose

how to parse json array in django

I am new in django rest api framework and using get i am fetching the a json array whose api is this and i am not able to parse it.Actually i want to store all the names and send them to .html file .I have used this code but didnot worked for me. Answer This actually has nothing to

Why is my website throwing POST error in python?

I’m sending request to League of Legends API for JSON file. In 3 others tries it worked for me, but in last it doesn’t. I have no idea why and can’t find any mistakes. My request for getting JSON file My website function for return the results. Place, where is mistake, is highlighted with comment. Last, but not least, my

How To Subscribe To Websocket API Channel Using Python?

I’m trying to subscribe to the websocket API public channel BTCUSD. Here’s the code: I believe ws.send(“BTCUSD”) is what subscribes to the public channel? I get a message back I think is confirming the subscription ({“event”:”info”,”version”:1}, but I don’t get the stream of data afterward. What am I missing? Update: Here’s the code that finally worked. Answer The documentation

Flask POST request is causing server to crash

I am trying to make a simple api in Flask, the first step being getting the POST json data. (I just want to print it for now) This is my code and when I request /api with json data, it returns a 500 error. Any thoughts on why this is happening? The curl command: body.json: Answer First what you want
