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Tag: anaconda

python conda: created a environment, but it is not using conda’s python

I have been using anaconda for a while, and its Python executable is located at /Users/ufo/opt/anaconda3/bin/python. I have tried to create an environment with conda, and the new environment would use copy this Python to environment’s bin. However, with current Anaconda versation, the new environment will not use anaconda’s Python, but use the original Python pre-installed with Mac OS, which

Anaconda (Python) – Cmder integration on Windows 10

I’m having some troubles in having Cmder working with Python through Anaconda on Windows 10 64bit. I got Anaconda working pretty well, tested to plot something with matplotlib and it works just great with Anaconda Prompt. However, if I try to run the same .py file under Cmder, I got the following error: I guess it has something to do

Anaconda-Jupyter Doesn’t open in browser

I installed Anaconda 3.7 on UbuntuĀ 18.04 (Bionic Beaver). Installation was successful. When I tried to start Jupyter Notebook from navigator it throws the following error. Access to the file was denied The file at file:///run/user/1000/jupyter/nbserver-26395-open.html is not readable. It may have been removed, moved or file permissions may be preventing access. Answer I think you have changed your default browser

Installation issues with PyMC3

I was installing PyMC3 via Anaconda. The transaction execution was done. Post this action, my Anaconda console closes immediately on open. Unable to import PyMC3 module as well. Below is the error message that pops up before the console closes. I manage to capture a screen shot of it when it momentarily flashed. I have also attached the warning I

How to add conda environment to jupyter lab

I’m using Jupyter Lab and I’m having trouble to add conda environment. The idea is to launch Jupyter Lab from my base environment, and then to be able to choose my other conda envs as kernels. I installed the package nb_conda_kernels which is supposed to do just that, but it’s not working as I want. Indeed, let’s assume I create
