I wanted to update pandas version in ‘conda-python3’ in SageMaker, I’ve followed the steps in this page, and linked the new configuration to my instance, CloudWatch log shows me the script has been executed successfully, but when I restart my instance and print out the panda version, it’s still showing the old version 0.24.2, I don’t understand why? This is
Tag: amazon-web-services
ClientError: An error occurred (InternalFailure) when calling the Publish operation (reached max retries: 4)
I am simply trying to publish to an SNS topic using a lambda function. The function code as follows, with ARN being the actual SNS topic ARN: The function execution role as access to SNS. In fact I even gave SNS full access. But I keep getting the error: I do not find any access denied errors in cloudtrail either.
Unable to create AWS Lambda Deployment Package for ipopt, pyomo, cython
I’m trying to create an AWS Lambda Deployment Package, so I can use it as an AWS Lambda Layer. Specifically, I’m trying to use the ipopt sovler, in conjuction with the pyomo and cython. I can get the pyomo packaged without issue, but when I try to pip install ipopt for the package I get an error: I am trying
Amazon S3 boto3 how to iterate through objects in a bucket?
In a flask app, I was trying to iterate through objects in a S3 Bucket and trying to print the key/ filename but my_bucket.objects.all() returns only the first object in the bucket. It’s not returning the all the objects. The output is [001.pdf] instead of [001, 002, 003, 004, 005] Answer You are exiting the loop by returning too early.
How to upload a file from a Flask’s HTML form to an S3 bucket using python?
I have an HTML form (implemented in Flask) for uploading files. And I want to store the uploaded files directly to S3. The relevant part of the Flask implementation is as follows: I then use boto3 to upload the file to S3 as follows: file is a werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage object. But I get the following error when uploading the file to
Sagemaker lifecycle configuration for installing pandas not working
I am trying to update pandas within a lifecycle configuration, and following the example of AWS I have the next code: Then I attach it to a notebook and when I enter the notebook and open a notebook file, I see that pandas have not been updated. Using !pip show pandas I get: So we can see that I am
AWS CDK How to include principals in IAM policy?
Hi I am working on AWS CDK. I am trying to create resource based policy. Below is my cloud formation template. Below I am trying to create same using CDK. This results in below error Error: Expected object reference, got “arn:aws:iam::123:root” Can someone help me to write correct syntax using python? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Answer principals needs
boto3 s3 Object expiration “MalformedXML” error
I’m trying to set the lifecycle configuration of a subdirectory in Amazon S3 bucket by using boto3 put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration. I used this code from aws documentation as referece: I removed Transitions and added Expiration, to better fit my purpouses. Here is my code: The error I’m receiving is: What could be causing this error? Answer I followed @Michael-sqlbot suggestion and found
For loop is taking only the last element in the list
I am sorry for a simple question, but tried multiple options without any solution. he Problem I have is the for loop is taking only the last value in the list(Regions). This is the list and it takes only the last value It has to take all the values in the list(Regions) and display the result. But it takes only