I wrote this function a while back: and I tested it: It turns out that it is only faster in IDLE and not cmd. I know that IDLE creates its own objects for sys.stdout, sys.stdin and sys.stderr but I don’t get why it only slows down python’s built in print function. This answer says that the built in print function
Python best practices — can I set an object attribute to call a class method?
I am building a tool to query all DNS records for a hostname. Each hostname will create a ScanObject object, which will call another module to do the queries upon instantiation. I create class methods so that I can just pull records I need instead of all the records. Therefore, these methods need to refer to the dictionary that contains
Factor out the name of the dataframe in python pandas to get better to read mathematical expressions
If you do for example mathematical operations with columns of a python pandas dataframe (call it data), you repeatedly have to write data do access the columns, which is very annoying, if you want nice to read mathematical formulas. So I am looking for a way to “factor out” the data keyword. Consider this simple example: Where data.dat is Answer
How to split a complex sentence string, keeping the delimiter, but not also placing the demiiter where it shouldn’t be
I came across this snippet on Grepper: It works fine for the example given. But if I split a sentence, this snippet will add the delimiter twice: so I worked on it and came up with this, which works: I’m wondering if there is a way to do this in more elegant way. Answer IMO, This is more readable than
Traceback (most recent call last) Python Error
Error At the moment I am Learning Python 3 and got this error. What does it mean? I also tried + instead of the comma this is also not working :/ Here is the code: Answer You have to print this: this should work fine
How to determine the optimal amount of buffer size with asyncio/aiohttp
How do we decide the optimal parameter for read() when working with asyncio in python? 12 bytes? 100 bytes? Answer How do we decide the optimal parameter for read() when working with asyncio in python? 12 bytes? 100 bytes? You can safely choose a much larger number than that. If the number is too small (e.g. just 1), your loop
How to do relative imports in Python without sys.path.append neither -m falg neither with __init__.py file?
I know that python mechanism doesn’t allow doing relative imports without a known parent package, but I want to know which the reason is. If relative imports worked without known parent package it would make developers life much easier (I think, correct me if I am wrong) Example: From a python script a have to import a global definitions file.
Add a character at start of a regex match in Pandas
I have a dataframe that has two columns, id and text In the text field, whenever there is a digit preceded by a space, I want to add a # before the digit. The resultant dataframe that I am looking for would be as follows: I have tried the following method to capture the regex pattern and add the #
How do I annotate a function that takes AnyStr with a str default value?
I wish to type-annotate a function that takes an AnyStr argument that defaults to a str and also returns an AnyStr of the same type. However, if I write this: then mypy fails with “Incompatible default for argument “s” (default has type “str”, argument has type “bytes”)”. I also tried splitting the code into a .py and .pyi file like
Read shapefile from HDFS with geopandas
I have a shapefile on my HDFS and I would like to import it in my Jupyter Notebook with geopandas (version 0.8.1). I tried the standard read_file() method but it does not recognize the HDFS directory; instead I believe it searches in my local directory, as I made a test with the local directory and reads the shapefile correctly. This