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Tag: syntax

Dataframe conditions syntax

I have a mystery error on line 13 of this program. I’m trying to select all the times between 22.00 and 23.00. I’ve tried with and without datetime, with and without apostrophes, but I get the same error every time: “SyntaxError: invalid syntax” The csv file is 8 columns and ‘complaint_time’ is in the format 12:22:01 AM. What am I

Run Loop If Value Does Not Exist in Database

#update – I fixed the syntax error moving a ), but it still doesn’t work as intended. Now it runs the loop even with a duplicate, which is not the intent. I’m trying to add a list of quotes to a database, but only if the author doesn’t already exist. I’m getting a syntax error here, and no existing posts

Syntax for nested dictionaries in Python

I’m developing Python scripts for the automated grading of assignments using CanvasAPI, an API wrapper in Python for the Canvas learning management platform. In studying the documentation, I can successfully issue curl commands in Python for a few parameters. For example, this conversion below is for uploading rubric information for a single submission: Curl command per the Canvas API docs:

How Does the Multiple Return Syntax Work?

I have a problem where I want to return a value based on a result. But to accomplish that, I would need to have multiple return statements like this: But I saw someone syntax like this: So, I am not sure how the second piece of code works. Can you please explain it? Thanks! Answer Second method is clever but

Python Re.Sub Function Usage Issue

I need help with this re.sub function. For example, if I wanted to replace “string” with “abc” but I want #include <string.h> to remain the same so that the syntax does not get disturbed and all the other “string” variables get replaced with “abc”. How can I write the re.sub function? The Python code is: test_str is this Answer Use

Python syntax: Could colons be optional when at end of line?

I would like to understand whether it would be possible to change the syntax of Python making the colons of compound statements optional when they are at the end of the line, apart from whitespace and comments. E.g.: Would this change break existing Python code? Would there be ambiguous constructs? Would the parser become exceedingly bad at diagnosing some kind
