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Tag: geopandas

geopandas .explore – How to set marker icon?

I want to change the icon of the marker in .explore to a house icon. I have read the documentation of geopandas.GeoDataFrame.explore and folium, still not able to understand it. The icon represents the position of the house and I set colormap base on an integer value. Also, is there a way to make a radius size don’t change when

Geopandas not exploding

Why isn’t geopandas exploding this series??? Below I have posted the first 5 rows. Clearly multilinestring and that function isn’t throwing any errors. Any suggestions? Any other idea’s of how to convert multilinestring to linestring would be appreciated. Answer Quick tip for your next question ;) – since you’ve provided full WKT objects, we actually can create a MRE directly

Data from OSM (overpy) to geodataframe with polygons

I try to put OSM data (some polygons) to geodataframe. Export from OSM contains LineString. But in the end i need to converte all data into geodataframe in this format: 0 -> name_from_tag_first_area -> polygon (or multipolygon) type with coordinates 1 -> name_from_tag_second_area -> polygon (or multipolygon) type with coordinates And then i will use this GeoDataFrame to visualize this

Export properties into .geojson file using geopandas

I have a script that creates a lot of Polygons using Shapely and then exports them as .geojson files. See toy example below However, I also have a list of numbers, each number is associated with one ploygon. Is there a way to export this with the GeoJSON file inside properties? For example, if I have a list: In the

Geopandas: different .sjoin() results with different projections systems

I tried to run a spatial join between a list of assets and a river basin dataset that you can find at the link below The first approach was a join on an ESPG 4326 projection setting and it works fine. The two assets have both a join. In a second approach, I try to create a 500 mt

Pandas/Geopandas Merge with a mask selection

I usually work with Arcpy but am trying to learn more pandas/geopandas uses. I have a mask applied to a csv table and a shapefile that I want to merge together in order to find matches between the two based on a specific field. However, when I try to merge them together, I get the error “The truth value of

Get information from plt.hexbin

I have been using hexbing to try to improve the SPCF method, so for that I would need to get information from the plot to modify the data and then replot it with the new values. The most important data I need to modify to replot is the number of points per cell and the C value of that grid
