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How to adjust row height with pandas Styler

I have a styled pandas DataFrame that I want to export to HTML with smaller rows than default. I don’t know much about CSS so I haven’t found a way to make it work so far. Can it be achieved and if so, how? Answer Set the styles for row and data cell line height and reset the padding

python can’t load clang library under cygwin environment

I installed the latest cygwin64 under windows 10, then started to install some cygwin packages like python3.9 and clang 8.0.1, then via cygwin terminal, pip3 install clang==8.0.1 Now, I’m trying the following: What I understand is that it fails to open a clang library, after searching for it, I found a lot of libraries at /usr/lib, and one of them

Reading files faster in python

I’m writting a script to read a TXT file where each line is a Log entry and I need to separate this log in different files (for all Hor, Sia, Lmu). I’m reading each line and dividing in new files with no problem when using my test file (80kb), but when I try to apply to the actual file (177MB

Triggering method from within a loop with Python and Pycord

I’m playing around with Pycord and trying to send a message to a channel X for each element in an array. The following class will throw a TypeError: MyClient.on_ready() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘message’ indicating that MyClient.on_ready() needs 2 arguments, one for self, one for message, but every example on how to pass arguments to class methods were only

Playing sequence of ply files in open3d

I’m currently trying to play a sequence of ply models through open3d, but I’m having some issues with updating the geometry. Currently only the first image is shown, and the vis isn’t being updated. I’ve been trying to find some info on this, but most guides or other sections show that this should work? I’m not entirely sure what I’m

MySQL Query Passing Two Variables Python SQLConnector

I can’t seem to get two values passed on a query, I can get one variable to pass no problem, can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong, error posted when I try to use the two variable code, one variable code passes. One Variable: Two Variable: Error: Updated code after answer: Error: I am not sure I still get this

Extract HTML into JSON with pyhton BeautifulSoup

The problem I’m trying to parse some blocks of HTML to store the relevant data in a JSON object but I’m struggling with the way BeautifulSoup’s treatment of child tags clashes with my specific requirements. Eample input: Desired output: My attempt Here’s my best attempt so far: Which produces the following output: You can see I have three issues: The
