How do I check if a zip file is corrupt or not? I have a zip file with 10 jpg images. I am able to extract say 8 of the images. Two of the images in the zip are corrupt and I am not able to extract those. Is there a way to check for this in a Python script?
How to make an immutable object in Python?
Although I have never needed this, it just struck me that making an immutable object in Python could be slightly tricky. You can’t just override __setattr__, because then you can’t even set attributes in the __init__. Subclassing a tuple is a trick that works: But then you have access to the a and b variables through self[0] and self[1], which
My file in Django is getting too long. How do I split it into two?
How do I do that? split up 2 files? Answer Although my solution is not as complex as the ones above, they fit my simple needs: I have some imports in my file: And then I have a file in my local development folder (which I don’t upload to the server) and where I overwrite local settings. Then
Convert UTC datetime string to local datetime
I’ve never had to convert time to and from UTC. Recently had a request to have my app be timezone aware, and I’ve been running myself in circles. Lots of information on converting local time to UTC, which I found fairly elementary (maybe I’m doing that wrong as well), but I can not find any information on easily converting the
How to break a line of chained methods in Python?
I have a line of the following code (don’t blame for naming conventions, they are not mine): I don’t like how it looks like (not too readable) but I don’t have any better idea to limit lines to 79 characters in this situation. Is there a better way of breaking it (preferably without backslashes)? Answer You could use additional parentheses:
Python import src modules when running tests
My source files are located under src and my test files are located under tests. When I want to run a test file, say python, I get an import error: “No module named”. How do I import all the modules from source needed to run my tests? Answer You need to add that directory to the path: Maybe
How to attach debugger to a python subproccess?
I need to debug a child process spawned by multiprocessing.Process(). The pdb degugger seems to be unaware of forking and unable to attach to already running processes. Are there any smarter python debuggers which can be attached to a subprocess? Answer Winpdb is pretty much the definition of a smarter Python debugger. It explicitly supports going down a fork, not
How to put the legend outside the plot
I have a series of 20 plots (not subplots) to be made in a single figure. I want the legend to be outside of the box. At the same time, I do not want to change the axes, as the size of the figure gets reduced. I want to keep the legend box outside the plot area (I want the
Checking date against date range in Python
I have a date variable: 2011-01-15 and I would like to get a boolean back if said date is within 3 days from TODAY. Im not quite sure how to construct this in Python. Im only dealing with date, not datetime. My working example is a “grace period”. A user logs into my site and if the grace period is
Why isn’t the ‘global’ keyword needed to access a global variable?
From my understanding, Python has a separate namespace for functions, so if I want to use a global variable in a function, I should probably use global. However, I was able to access a global variable even without global: Why does this work? See also UnboundLocalError on local variable when reassigned after first use for the error that occurs when