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Plot smooth line with PyPlot

I’ve got the following simple script that plots a graph: As it is now, the line goes straight from point to point which looks ok, but could be better in my opinion. What I want is to smooth the line between the points. In Gnuplot I would have plotted with smooth cplines. Is there an easy way to do this

Python SQL query string formatting

I’m trying to find the best way to format an sql query string. When I’m debugging my application I’d like to log to file all the sql query strings, and it is important that the string is properly formated. Option 1 This is good for printing the sql string. It is not a good solution if the string is long

python: union keys from multiple dictionary?

I have 5 dictionaries and I want a union of their keys. I tried but it gave me an error Am I doing it wrong ? I using normal forloop but I wonder why the above code didn’t work. Answer Your solution works for the first two elements in the list, but then dict1 and dict2 got reduced into a

How do I get an empty list of any size in Python?

I basically want a Python equivalent of this Array in C: but in python I declare an array like: and the problem is I want to assign random slots with values like: but I can’t do that with Python, since the Python list is empty (of length 0). Answer If by “array” you actually mean a Python list, you can

How to get the current running module path/name

I’ve searched and this seems to be a simple question without a simple answer. I have the file a/b/ which would be called with python -m a.b.c. I would like to obtain the value a.b.c in the module level. So when I receive the -h option, I display the USAGE without the need to actually write down the actual value

Multiple assignment semantics

In Python one can do: I checked the generated bytecode using dis and they are identical. So why allow this at all? Would I ever need one of these instead of the others? Answer One case when you need to include more structure on the left hand side of the assignment is when you’re asking Python unpack a slightly more

What is the use of “assert” in Python?

What does assert mean? How is it used? Answer The assert statement exists in almost every programming language. It has two main uses: It helps detect problems early in your program, where the cause is clear, rather than later when some other operation fails. A type error in Python, for example, can go through several layers of code before actually
