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Tag: reduce

reduce() to merge if there are blank DataFrame

I want to use reduce() function to merge data. However, sometimes some dataframe df1 to df8 might be blank (but there is at least one dataframe not be blank). And I do not want to detect which one. For example, this time df1 to df7 are blank and only df8 is non-blank. Next time df1, df2, df5 are non-blank. How

Python: reduce (list of strings) -> string

I expected something like ‘a.b.c.d’ or ‘abcd’. Somehow, can’t explain the results. There are similar questions here, but not quite like this one. Answer The result of executing the function passed as the first parameter, will be the first parameter to that function in the next iteration. So, your code works like this When x, y are ‘alfa’ and ‘bravo’

Python how to reduce multiple lists?

I am able to use map and sum to achieve this functionality, but how to use reduce? There are 2 lists: a, b, they have same number of values. I want to calculate The working version I wrote using map is How to use reduce then? I wrote: I got the error “TypeError: ‘float’ object is unsubscriptable”. Can anyone shed

python: union keys from multiple dictionary?

I have 5 dictionaries and I want a union of their keys. I tried but it gave me an error Am I doing it wrong ? I using normal forloop but I wonder why the above code didn’t work. Answer Your solution works for the first two elements in the list, but then dict1 and dict2 got reduced into a
