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Search and filter pandas dataframe with regular expressions

I’d appreciate your help. I have a pandas dataframe. I want to search 3 columns of the dataframe using a regular expression, then return all rows that meet the search criteria, sorted by one of my columns. I would like to write this as a function so I can implement this logic with other criteria if possible, but am not

Generator as function argument

Can anyone explain why passing a generator as the only positional argument to a function seems to have special rules? If we have: This works, as expected. This does not work, as expected. This works, as expected This works, but I don’t understand why. Shouldn’t it fail in the same way as 2) Answer Both 3. and 4. should be

django makemigrations not detecting new model

I used makemigrations earlier in order to make my Django app aware of the tables in my legacy MySql database, and it worked fine. It generated Now, I want to add a new “UserDetails” model to my app: After saving the file, I ran the following command in the command prompt: But makemigrations is not seeing the new class
