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Can I use a Plotly graph in Bokeh?

bokeh does not have a Sankey graph and the Sankey graph available in holoviews is not as good as the one Plotly. Is there a way to embed the plotly graph into a bokeh dashboard? Answer Panel makes it simple to embed Plotly, Matplotlib, Altair, and many other types of plot into a Bokeh-based dashboard, so that you can pull

Split .tfrecords file into many .tfrecords files

Is there any way to split .tfrecords file into many .tfrecords files directly, without writing back each Dataset example ? Answer You can use a function like this: For example, to split the file my_records.tfrecord into parts of 100 records each, you would do: This would create multiple smaller record files my_records.tfrecord.000, my_records.tfrecord.001, etc.

How to register inherited sub class in file in django?

Project Name : fusion App Name : admin_lte Python 3.7 Django 2 MySql Question is “I want to register sub model in django admin-panel”,when i write code for model registration in file that time occurred below error. django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The model Device is abstract, so it cannot be registered with admin. NOTE : I used multiple separated model file.

How to send file from Mayan EDMS to external api?

I’m still learning Django and there is still a lot of unknown to me. The problem is that I can’t pull the .pdf (or any other format) to be sent by ajax post method to external API. So on the reciving side I only get the string location of the file not the actual file. I have put the following
