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Python decompression relative performance?

TLDR; Of the various compression algorithms available in python gzip, bz2, lzma, etc, which has the best decompression performance? Full discussion: Python 3 has various modules for compressing/decompressing data including gzip, bz2 and lzma. gzip and bz2 additionally have different compression levels you can set. If my goal is to balance file size (/compression ratio) and decompression speed (compression speed

Dependencies validation using Cerberus

Am validating a CSV file with Cerberus but am struggling with what I’d assume is some basic logic Scenario: A CSV file has 2 columns. Column 2 requires to have a value only if Column 1 has a value. If Column 1 is empty then Column 2 should also be empty. Am thinking this would be one of the most

Windows compatibility: Permissions?

OS Windows 10, I am using Docker Engine version 18.09.2, the API version is 1.39 The website explaining the steps to run CAT is: I am building the medcat image locally. Output looks good until the end of the build process: When I am trying to start the container I just built, I get: Does anyone have experience with

How to parse arguments in python (spyder)?

I am following this tutorial and trying to run the below part of the script. I am using python 3.7 and spyder 3.3.4. I have tried going to Run > Configuration per file and entering the arguments as advised by this post and and this post. command line options: path1, path2, path3, path4 I filled out the appropriate paths for

How to create a Pandas DataFrame from dictionary of dataframes?

I have a dictionary that is a list of dataframes that have all the same columns and data structure. I am wanting to essentially ‘union’ all of these into a single dataframe again, where the dictionary keys are converted into another column: df_list{} …and so on but am wanting: I tried using pd.DataFrame.from_dict() but either I am not using it
