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Update DataTable on Tap event in Bokeh

I am trying to calculate euclidean distance of two points. Initial distance is calculated in the data. Then, when the user is moving the line, I’d like the distance column to update based on the new coordinates. I can see that x and y columns are updating, but not the distance column. Below is my attempt: Answer Your callback actually

How to expand / dilate a numpy array?

I’m performing a image analysis and generated seeds in the form of a boolean array : As I want to do a subsequent analysis on the area surrounding the True value, I want to expand it (by a certain number, say pixels). This would result in the following: Is there any function or simple way of solving my ‘radial expansion’

Pyttsx isn’t showing installed languages on windows 10

I am trying to use pyttsx3 to say French text. However, only English is available. Following the advice of How to change the voice in pyttsx3?, I tried to install the French speech pack as explained here I restarted my computer and now have the French speech to text module installed and available under the “voice” menu in the

sqlalchemy foreign key could not find table

I’m making a database using sqlalchemy which consists of three classes, User, Meeting, MeetingRoom I want to create a foreign key in Meeting for the Meeting room, but for some reason it gives the following error sqlalchemy.exc.NoReferencedTableError: Foreign key associated with column ‘meeting.mrid’ could not find table ‘meetingroom’ with which to generate a foreign key to target column ‘mrid’ When
