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How to extract elements from a filename and move them to different columns?

I have a filenames which I converted into a list. The list has the following elements: My goal is to extract elements from this list and fill out a dataframe, which should look like this: LINK TO THE GOOGLE SHEETS CONTAINING THE IMAGE ABOVE: WHAT I’VE DONE SO FAR is the following code: But, this one does not leave

While loops using break and continue statements

I’m beginner. What is break and continue statement used for for a while statement? Answer These two key words can be used in a loop to change how it behaves. The break statement terminates the loop and moves on the next executable statement. The continue statement skips the rest of the code for the current pass of the loop and

How to use Excel’s SUMIF function in Pandas

I have a difficulty in calculating “total_sum.” If someone didn’t apply to subject, I expressed N/A. When total_sum is calculated, total_sum refer to Standard field and N/A is excluded. I’m not good at Python, So I don’t know how to calculate “total_sum” Answer Suppose this dataframe is the same as yours (with index of strings) then you can apply .dot()

BeautifulSoup Web Scraping to find values of a specific key within the result set

I am scraping a webpage using beautiful soup: <class ‘bs4.element.Tag’> , 1 0 Here is what ‘result’ looks like: I am unable to access recipeIngredient (highlighted in the image) as a dictionary keys. It gives me a keyerror. KeyError: ‘recipeIngredient’ How can I do this? I want to extract this from ‘result’: “recipeIngredient”:[“1 pound fresh, best-quality mozzarella (preferably buffalo milk)”,”4

Finding a specific string in a Dataframe column

I’m trying to retrieve one row of data from my Dataframe created from a csv file accessed via URL. I’m using… df1[‘Statistic Element’].str.contains(‘Mean rainfall’) …to determine the row containing the data I require however python does not recognize the .str element of the dataframe? The code works fine using a test dataframe so I’m wondering if there is a
