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How to get data from matplotlib bar chart

How does one retrieve data programmatically from a matplotlib bar chart? I can do it for a matplotlib line chart as follows, so maybe I’m fairly close: for a bar chart, however, there are no lines, and I’m unclear what the equivalent object is: FWIW, here are a couple of related postings (that don’t go into bar charts): How to

Flask SQLAlchemy reflection ignoring most of tables on Redshift

I’m creating the engine and the Metadata as follows Yields AttributeError: packages, and dir(Base.classes) returns no attributes with that name, neither with the orders name. Taking the only=[‘orders’, ‘packages’] off makes it reflect only a few random tables. Now, when using the inspector that comes with native SQLAlchemy the table actually works (link to documentation): Is this a bug, or

Is there a way to get directory package dependencies in python?

I am aware that pip freeze > requirements.txt exists, yet that that prints out my system packages, of which only a few my directory/ project needs. I am not using a virtualenv so I’m pretty sure I can’t print out local packages like that. I also know that pipdeptree exsists but I also don’t see how that solves my problem?

asyncpg.exceptions.DataError: invalid input for query argument $1: 217027642536 (value out of int32 range)

I’m working on a project that uses FastAPI alongside Pydantic and SQLAlchemy. I’m also using encode/databases to manage database connections. But for some weird reason, I get asyncpg.exceptions.DataError: invalid input for query argument $1: 217027642536 (value out of int32 range) anytime I try saving to the database. Here’s what my code looks like: I can’t

Python flask-sqlalchemy: Do I have to commit session after a query?

I am writing an app in python flask-sqlalchemy with MySQL DB ( and I am wondering if I have to make “db.session.commit() or db.session.rollback()” after GET call, which only query DB . For example: Answer orders = Order.query.all() is a SELECT query that could be extended to include additional filters (WHERE etc.). It doesn’t alter the database, it simply reads
