I recently started learning python through Sololearn and got to Recursion. To get better understanding of the code, I simplified it to: The return not is_even(x) is boolean and will resulted it as False and when it passed to the def is_even(x): it still would return as False. However, when I change the return x to print(x) The result would
Splitting Dataframe into different group by product
I am trying to split my Dataframe such that each Dataframe is for a product. Given below is how my Dataframe looks like: Expected output: Dataframe for prod_a Dataframe for prod_b Dataframe for prod_c Answer I suggest here create dictionary of DataFrames in dictionary comprehension: Variables from strings are not recommended, but possible, e.g. with globals: Another idea with groupby,
How to find the index in a string in spark when I am dealing with a list?
How do I find the index of the numbers 0-9 in a string? TypeError: must be str, not list How do I get around this and replicate what essentially is a PATINDEX in SQL server?. The following answer gives me a perspective of searching using regex but I am still unable to insert lists. Answer You can use a list
How to make a variable name dependant on input in python?
I need to create multiple variables based on int input so that if input is 5 then variables are created like: worker1, worker2, worker3, etc. Is there any way in which I could generate variables like these and then add points to them dependant on the number chosen by the user? Example: How many workers? 10 -Choose worker 4 -added
flask web socket not connecting
i am trying to connect websocket in flask(1.1.2) with Flask-SocketIO(5.0.1) but it give 400 error to websocket url. i`m using anaconda virtual environment. my requirements.txt is – amqp==5.0.3, bidict==0.21.2, certifi==2020.12.5,click==7.1.2, dnspython==1.16.0, eventlet==0.30.0, Flask==1.1.2, Flask-SocketIO==5.0.1, gevent==21.1.1, gevent-websocket==0.10.1, greenlet==1.0.0, importlib-metadata==3.4.0, itsdangerous==1.1.0, Jinja2==2.11.2, kombu==5.0.2, MarkupSafe==1.1.1, python-engineio==4.0.0, python-socketio==5.0.4, six==1.15.0, typing-extensions==, vine==5.0.0, Werkzeug==1.0.1, zipp==3.4.0, zope.event==4.5.0, zope.interface==5.2.0 Answer It’s because of version compatibility, you should either
How to stop limit of channel.purge decreasing when check returns false?
I have a command that is meant to go through and remove the last x number of messages sent by bots in a channel. However, the command removes all messages from bots in the last x messages instead of removing the last x number of messages from bots. Is there a way that I can check if x number of
Discord.py editing channel by word that is in the name
I am making statistics bot, and i have a problem, with voice channel containing member count. I want to make bot update name of that channel, on_member_join, on_member_remove and when user use command refresh but i tried many times at different ways, and it stil don’t work, i want to make him edit channel that contains in name “Members:” but
Sharing Y-axis in a matplotlib subplots
I have been trying to create a matplotlib subplot (1 x 3) with horizontal bar plots on either side of a lineplot. It looks like this: The code for generating the above plot – Edit How do I share the y-axis of the central line plot with the other horizontal bar plots? Answer I would set the limits of all
How to find the principal axis of a blob which goes through the centroid of the blob?
I want to find the principal axis of a blob which goes through the centroid of the blob. I was able to find the centroid of the blob, but how can I find the principal axis? Here’s what I have tried: These are the images that I used: I’m expecting something like this. It should connect with the contour properly:
SettingWithCopyWarning, how to stop it?
I have this code, it’s working for the first 9 itterations and then I get the SettingWithCopyWarning and it doesnt continue on, what can I do? So I have this now, but it still only runs through the first 10 lines of data! Something to do with the first for loop I think! (I know it’s still a for loop