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Tag: axis

How to change y-axis limits on a bar graph?

I have a df, from which Ive indexed europe_n and Ive plotted a bar plot. europe_n (r=5, c=45), looks like this. ; df[‘Country’](string) & df[‘Population’](numeric) variable/s. Which gives me; Objective: Im trying to change my y-axis limit to start from 0, instead of 43,094. I ran the, plt.ylim(0,500000) method, but there was no change to the y-axis and threw an

Get the direction an object’s axis is pointing in Maya

Using python I’m trying to confirm that a given transform node in Maya has it’s Y axis pointing up, Z axis pointing forward, and X axis pointing to the side, like in the picture below. The transform node might be a child to another transform node in a hierarchy of unknown depth. My first thought was to use xform rotate
