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Tag: web-scraping

Why search retrieve no result? with selenium

I have been trying to scrape this site and sending in the search phrase cause error. I have searched StackOverflow and the error usually is resolved when you redefine the web element again which I did but still getting the same error. I do not want to directly go to the search link like instead I want to click

xpath inside founded elements using selenium

I found 10 elements using: Then i’m trying get information from collected divs by xpath in cycle: But always i get first element Question: Is it possible to get information from each block in cycle using relative xpath with already founded element by selenium? One of divs HTML: Answer Yes, you can easily find each block data using relative xpath

How to scrape billboard using find_all?

I have a pretty specific question if anyone could help that would be awesome. I am trying to scrape the songs from and I am stuck on this code. What should I put for tag = soup.find_all(‘???’) to get the title ‘About Damn Time. Answer Try to select the row containers, iterate the ResultSet get your expected text from

Scrapy extracting entire HTML element instead of following link

I’m trying to access or follow every link that appears for commercial contractors from this website: then extract the emails from the sites that each link leads to but when I run this script, scrapy follows the base url with the entire HTML element attached to the end of the base url instead of following only the link at

BeautifulSoup – can’t find attribute

I’m trying to scrape this link. I want to get to this part here: I can see where this part of the website is when I inspect the page: But I can’t get to it from BeautifulSoup. Here is the code that I’m using and all the ways I’ve tried to access it: Also, when I just look at the
