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Tag: visual-studio-code

How can i add Anaconda Prompt to VScode terminal?

i’m trying to add anaconda prompt to vscode terminal. i googled it, but i found that it’s not possible method cuz is now unavailable on settings. is there any way to solve this? Answer I’m sorry to tell you that it can’t be realized at present.The Python extension automatically detects existing conda environments provided that the environment contains

Invoke a lambda from VSCode python

could not find any answer on this. All the tutorials mention how to use AWS toolkit or how to locally develop and test your lambda on VSCode. That’s not what I would like, I already have a lambda, and I would just like to invoke it. To call a s3 or Dynamo DB, I can just run What is the

How to remove this warning from VScode python code?

In my python code, I see the following warning all over the place; How do I remove this warning? I am using VS code v1.64.0, Microsoft Python Extension for Visual Studio Code v2022.0.1786462952. Answer From the hints provided in the comments, I managed to find an answer to my question. Edit settings.json found in .vscode folder. Add in the following;

Visual Studio interactive window unreadable highlighted error

Recently, Visual Studio started highlighting errors in the interactive window, which makes them unreadable: How can I remove or change the highlight color? I looked around SO but can’t find any of the settings mentioned (e.g. this). I am using the standard VS dark theme. Other dark themes didn’t solve the issue Answer Following rioV8’s instructions, I added the following

Visual Studio Code not recognizing Python import and functions

What do the squiggly lines represent in the image? The actual error the flags up when I hover my mouse over the squiggly line is: Import “pyspark.sql.functions” could not be resolvedPylance I’m not sure what that means, but I’m getting the error for almost all functions in Visual Studio Code. How can I resolve it? Answer I was with the

VSCode Python: execute statement during debug

Is it possible to execute statements while the debug mode is active, possibly in the interactive mode? Let’s say I’m working with a dataframe, and it doesn’t behave as I want. I go line by line in debug mode, and I want to check some properties while doing that, for example the number of NaN values. Using the variable window
