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Tag: tkinter

Get Value of Combobox, while they are bound

I created two Comboboxes in Tkinter. In the first Box you select the Material, the second box reacts to the selected Value of the first box and changes the available options. Its maybe not the best way coded, but it works. My Problem is, I want to know which colour is selected. Because if I print (Box_2.get()) it would be

Skip None values in entry widgets Tkinter Python

Let’s say we have a Tkinter app with many entry widgets like this: The values from these widgets are used to UPDATE a database. The thing I want is to be able to skip a value in anyone of them and not use it in the UPDATE statement. For now with my code I check if there is something written

tkinter “unknown option “-padx” “

I am working on a project using tkinter and I wanted to change button styles to make it look better, but when I start import tkinter.tkk the code starts messing up. I could not find any clear solution on the Internet and also when I start another code with both tkinter and tkinter.tkk imported it works fine. Here is the

How to upload a file to server with Tkinter filedialog

I have a client that let user to browse a file and upload to a server. Currently I’m just using command terminal to operate the program. When user types in fup in the terminal, the program will ask for filename and the file will be uploaded to the server if the filename input by user is valid. So, what I

Python tkinter after method not working as expected

I’m trying to learn Tkinter module, but I can’t undestand why the after method doesn’t behave as expected. From what I know, it should wait ms milliseconds and then execute the function, but in my case the function gets executed many more time, not considering the time I write. Here’s the code: After the first 2 seconds the label starts

Change RGB of an Image using python

I’m trying to change the color of an image using RGB values in python, for example, if I want to change my image to grayscale I want to be able to manipulate the RGB values of the image. I’ve read that if I want my image in grayscale I would have to do something like Gray = (RedValue + GreenValue

Entry not updating tkinter python

Im trying to make a rock paper scissors game using the python module tkinter to create a window with an input box. However im struggling to get the entry box to update to another value everytime i press the button. What im struggling with i.e if I was to write Rock as an input (assume computer response is always 0):
