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Tag: subplot

How to increase the size of only one plot in subplots?

If you have two subplots, how do you change the length of only the second plot? Adding figsize=(7,5) to plt.subplots changes the size of both plots, but hoping to change only the size of the 2nd one. source code: There are no errors, but how do you adjust the size of only the 2nd plot but keeping the placement

Move ticks and labels to the top of a pyplot figure

As per this question, moving the xticks and labels of an AxesSubplot object can be done with ax.xaxis.tick_top(). However, I cannot get this to work with multiple axes inside a figure. Essentially, I want to move the xticks to the very top of the figure (only displayed at the top for the subplots in the first row). Here’s a silly

How subplot pairs of photo from different folder

I have 2 folder each has 13 pics. I wanna plot any pair of them. for example the first pic from the first folder next to the first pic in the second folder. and then below it the second pair of photose from the first and second folder. could you please help me. I tried my self but id doesn’t

How to plot figures to different subplot axes in matplotlib

I was trying to plot a figure with a combination of a 3d subplot and 3 2d ones. Why do they overlap each other? Here are my codes: Answer In each group, an ax is created with ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 1, projection=’3d’), but then you reassign the variable with ax = plt.axes(projection=’3d’); this does not plot to ax. To
