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Tag: stdout

How to fix double output in python

How do i fix a bug where Hello world! is printed twice? The output: {clear}Hello World! {clear}{clear}Hello World! The terminal is cleared [Finished in 3.4s] The code: Answer clear does not clear the global list messages; it creates a new local variable that is assigned an empty list before going away when clear returns. Either use global or use the

disable logging for specific lines of code

I am tuning the word2vec model hyper-parameters. Word2Vec has to many log in console that I cannot read Optuna or my custom log. Is there any trick to suppress logs generated by Word2Vec? Answer I used following code in python 3.7 in python 3.6 we have send logging.ERROR to disable function.

Python. Redirect stdout to a socket

I run my script on computer “A”. Then I connect to computer “A” from computer “B” through my script. I send my message to computer “A” and my script runs it with an exec() instruction. I want to see the result of executing my message on computer “A”, through a socket on computer “B”. I tried to change sys.stdout =
