I am new to sqlalchemy. I can create database tables by declarative mapping like this: This is fine. I added some data into both customer and invoice tables. So far so good. Next, I would try out automap_base on this existing database like this: When I ran the code, I got: AttributeError: type object ‘customer’ has no attribute ‘invoices’ What
Tag: sqlalchemy
how to do a subquery or filter in a condition met by a previous query correctly
Im using python, flask and sqlalchemy have the query below: Now let’s assume that i want to search for the condition Foo1.id != 2 but still make sure that i meet the condition of the query above, what would be the best way to achieve that (i am trying to learn how to do subquery or filter in another query
SQLAlchemy Enum type field with integer value
There is an events model in which I want to add a memebers_count field to indicate the number of participants. The user will make a single selection from the select form. I am using Enum type for this. The model looks like this An error appears in the console when this entry is made I assumed the problem was that
Pydantic/SQLAlchemy: How to work with enums?
What is the best way to convert a sqlalchemy model to a pydantic schema (model) if it includes an enum field? Sqlalchemy Pydantic Conversion This leads to the error value is not a valid enumeration member; permitted: ‘CREATED’, ‘UPDATED’ (type=type_error.enum; enum_values=[<StateEnumDTO.CREATED: ‘CREATED’>, <StateEnumDTO.UPDATED: ‘UPDATED’>]) How can I configure either a.) the serialization with the from_orm method? or b.) the creation
How to add a cursor() of a db connection to a sqlalchemy.orm session? “sqlalchemy.orm.exc.UnmappedInstanceError: Class ‘builtins.int’ is not mapped”
I am in a Ubuntu 22.04 Docker container with Python 3.10. I use these apt packages: I use the following Python packages: The sessionmaker parameter autoflush is set to True. I want to add a deletion and after that an insertion to a sqlalchemy.orm session so that I commit only when the two commands worked out well. The aim of
Using SQLAlchemy, I need to assign users into pools, and a ranking for each pool they’re in
Here is the relevant code. I’m writing a Flask application where users can join pools and compete against others within those pools (currently, pools and users are in a many to many relationship). Each user will need a rating for each pool that he/she is in (Elo Rating), and I’m not sure how to implement that into my existing structure.
How can I join two tables with different number of rows in Flask SQLAlchemy?
I have two tables I want to join. They possess a one-to-many relationship. One is called FundingSource, and the other is called AllocationSummary. They have a different number of columns and a different number of rows (FundingSource has more of both). I need to query the FundingSource table (Table 1) to get all the rows from the database, and then
Is there a clean way to build a line of code with methods call from a dictionary in Python?
I would like to build a SQLAlchemy command to get information from a database table. To do it I use this lines of code : Target is a dictionary and I would like that if a key is present in target, I add it after my select command. For example, if target is : then my command would become :
Database connection broken even with with SQLAlchemy pre-ping
Since I moved my database from a mssql docker container to an azure database as a service my web application( flask) is being disconnected after several minutes. It is simply solved by a refresh of the page but still, there is an issue here. The error raised by SQLAlchemy is an Operational Error (https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/errors.html#error-e3q8) I tried to implement the pool_pre_ping=True
How to use googletrans’s Translator on SQLAlchemy object
I am trying to translate couple of columns in cloud MySQL table using googletrans’s Translator function. Here I read the MySQL table: And then here I try to translate it: But when I try to see if the translation took place using below code, I get no output. I am new to SQLALchemy and unable to find a solution. Could