I am currently using Selenium for a webcrawling application, and after several successful modules, the following situation left me stuck: I’m trying to locate an element of the class “menu” with the text “Reports” that is located inside a frame named “frame_applic”. Pretty straightforward, right? Should be as simple as: Here is where it gets interesting: although no error is
Tag: selenium
Python selenium keep browser open
I am using selenium to open some browser windows for marketing reasons. I simply open my marketing sources, login via selenium and start working. The problem is, that after the code is executed selenium closes the window. All solutions havent helped much so far. I have 13 browser windows atm., which look like this: The closest solution which I found
Python w/ Selenium Gmail Email Send Automating To: Field is Giving Me Trouble
The end goal is to send myself an email if my public ip address changes, as I don’t have dynamic dns and have to manually enter the ip addresses myself for my web server. I’ve done all I possibly can to try and get bash utilities to do the job for me, but CenturyLink is unfortunately out to block me
Issue with web scraping from website for capturing pagination links
I am trying to scrape data from all listed category URL’s on Home page (Done) and further sub category pages from the website and its Pagination links as well. URL is here I have created Python script for the same to extract data in Modular structure as I need Output from all URL’s from one step to another in a
Getting The Title of a Youtube Video Using Python/Selenium
I am trying to scrape the title of a youtube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBBtxuHoV_g) with the following python script. When I run my current code: The output gives me How do I change my code so it just returns the title of the video? Any help is much appreciated! Answer If you only want to get that title without using any hardcoded
OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error: ‘geckodriver’ when trying to open firefox using selenium in python
The entire stack trace looks like: my path to geckodriver is: And selenium is in: Thanks in advance! Answer You have most probably installed a version of geckodriver that is meant for a different OS/platform! get the correct version from https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases and replace the one you have.
“selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element” while clicking a ‘Next’ button with Selenium
I’m trying to click the Next button using Selenium, I’ve tried with the code below, but it ends in error. The element My code But then it outputs these errors: How can I click that button without errors? Answer This error message… …implies that the ChromeDriver was unable to locate the desired element. Locating the desired element As per the
Use mobile browser in selenium without emulating the device?
I tried to write a script in python using selenium, that should automate uploading images to an image platform. However, the problem is, that the functionality for uploading pictures is only given, when you use a mobile browser (e.g. Safari on your iPhone). In a quick research, i found that selenium supports this, but as far as i understood it,
Element is not clickable at point (x,y.5) because another element obscures it
I am trying to click on an element but getting the error: Element is not clickable at point (x,y.5) because another element obscures it. I have already tried moving to that element first and then clicking and also changing the co-ordinates by minimizing the window and then clicking, but both methods failed. The possible duplicate question has answers which I
Reducing size of pyinstaller exe
I have a simple pandas pyinstaller exe which is over 40MB. My exe example: 40MB+ for this seems a bit overkill. How can I reduce this as much as possible? One method: This however is not practical considering how big the exclusion list would be. How do I select a folder for pyinstaller to get modules from and exclude everything