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Tag: selenium

using Selenium to get texts inside ‘ul’ tag?

Please help me to find the solution to get the text inside ‘ul’ tag. I want to get the information which is separated with commas like: ‘Contains Enzymatically Active B-Vitamins, Dietary Supplement, Non-GMO LE Certified’ website link: picture: enter image description here This is the HTML code: Answer This should do it: Output:

Why am I unable to select an item in a dropdown?

I have the following MRE code that is mean to select EU Odds from a dropdown: Everything works up until the final line which doesn’t make the selection. If I try to do this manually on the page that chromedriver opens then I’m also unable to make the selection. However, if I open up a normal browsing window then I

Selenium thinks button is clickable when it’s disabled and raises WebDriverException

I know there’s someone else having the same problem as me, but it turns out he’s using a different code as me. (I’m NOT having the same problem with this : Selenium identifies the button as clickable when it wasn’t) So, apparently I’ve tried to make the page refreshes everytime the button is unclickable or disabled using the WebDriverException error.

Selenium ““element not interactable exception” while using sendkeys on google Form?

I am trying to fill out the google form using selenium in python3.9 But I am getting an error at “element not interactable exception” at form[0].send_keys(‘222’) I read the thread b to solve the issue but seems like I am doing something wrong Thread I read at the stackoverflow How do you fix the “element not interactable” exception? What
