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Tag: selenium

How to use Selenium in Databricks and accessing and moving downloaded files to mounted storage and keep Chrome and ChromeDriver versions in sync?

I’ve seen a couple of posts on using Selenium in Databricks using %shto install Chrome Drivers and Chrome. This works fine for me, but I had a lot of trouble when I needed to download a file. The file would download, but I could not find it in the filesystem in databricks. Even if I changed the download path when

Python Selenium Detach Option Not Working

I want to write a Python script using Selenium and Chrome where Selenium won’t close the Chrome browser when the script finishes. From doing a bunch of googling, it looks like the standard solution is to use the detach option. But when I run the following script: It opens up Chrome, goes to Google’s homepage, and then closes the browser.

Select a button with selenium with same XPATH but no tag or id

I would like to select a button with selenium on the net, here’s the HTML code of the button: They are 1 to 5 and have all the same XPATH : //html/body/div[2]/div/section/section/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div/button[1] How can I select the third or second button with no tag in the HTML code? Answer You can use find_elements instead of find_element. Then you can get
