I am currently learning Python in order to webscrape and am running into an issue with my current script. After closing the pop-up on Page 2 of Indeed and cycling through the pages, the script only returns one page into the data frame to CSV. However, it does print out each page in my terminal area. It also on occasion
Tag: selenium
Text is not printed when using selenium
This is the code I have written so far: This doesn’t print out the price, please help. This is what the output terminal looks like. I want to get this price: Answer The value of the price is blank. You should replace the tailing span[1] with span[2] in your xpath Here is the code – Output –
InvalidArgumentException: invalid argument error using Selenium and Pandas scraping urls reading from a CSV
I was trying to scrape a website, where possible urls are in csv. So after reading it through for loop to call my method, where I would open the url and gonna scrape the contents of the site. But due to some reason I am unable to loop and open the urls Here is my code: Error on console I
Python Webdrivermanager .install() does not work for edge in custom webdriver installation location
I use Webdrivermanager to update my drivers. But for the Edge browser I get errors. The Error: Well I edited the manager, to save to another location. But it does work for Chrome and Firefox why not for edge… modified driver_cache.py: modified microsoft.py: Just to compare the edited and working chrome.py: I am sorry but I have no idea :(
Selenium Python Searching Element By 2 possible ID
I want to find the element using ID, but it seems that the web is sometimes changing the ID. There are 2 IDs, the first ID will make me possible to enter the email directly, but if the second ID occurs, I need to click a button first before entering my email. I’ve tried using if and else logic but
How can I click the button and move to next page using selenium?
I am not able to click the button using selenium and move to the next page. I have tried the following commands: I have added a screenshot of the html. What am I doing wrong? Answer To click on the element with text as Production you can use either of the following Locator Strategies: Using css_selector: Using xpath: Ideally to
When using Pool.map from integrated Python’s multiprocessing, program works slower and slower
Here is a similar question Why does python multiprocessing script slow down after a while? Sample of code that uses Pool: After few iterations the program slows down and finally it becomes even slower than without multiprocessing. Maybe the problem is that the function related to Selenium? Here is full code: Answer You are creating 6 processes to process 14
How to scrape the login website using selenium
I am trying to scrape data but first Click on Language, select English, then click advanced search but they will give me error these is website https://www.counselingcalifornia.com/Find-a-Therapist Answer The reason is iframe. language drop down is in iframe. In Selenium automation, if the webelements are wrapped inside an iframe, we should always switch to iframe first then we can interact
Selenium with Python not able to fully open the website
I have tried the following code and tried to open the website as mentioned: The website opens with the Chrome Browser but not with the Selenium using Python. Please let me know what should I do to open the website completely. Answer You can run it with chrome options. I am able to launch your application with below code: output:
Selenium Python Checkbox Click
I am trying to access the following HTML checkbox for a button click: using: but keep getting error: what might be the element path I am looking for in order to select the checkbox? Answer Your xpath is most likely incorrect – you need to enter // before the element as this will find all (single slash / will work