These two elements have the exact same attributes except for the text in the pseudo-element. Is there anyway I can click on the “Practical” element. I’ve tried the following to no avail: Answer Pseudo elements are not elements. So, that ::before seems to be just a kind of text content of div element. I can’t give you tested answer since
Tag: selenium-webdriver
locate an a element and click on it in selenium pyhton
I have this page and I want to click on the a element that sends an email(the one that is highlighted in the screenshot below and I have tried to find this element using By.XPATH email = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, “//a[contains(@class, ’email-old-32′)]”).click() and By.CLASS_NAME email = driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, ’email-old-32′).click() and in both situations i’m getting an error no such element, does anyone know
Element not clickable in the next page by selenium python
I try to scrape all the pages of a URL by selenium python, but only could get the values from the 1st page. The code is going to the next page but same code is not working to scrape ending with an error. The error is ” Element … is not clickable at point (208, 17). Other element would receive
Selenium taking a lot of time to find element by XPATH
I am trying to scraping name and email of agents from this site. The code firstly captures link to every profile on first page and then visits each profile to get name and email. But the problem is that it is taking alot of time to get anchor tag having name of agent in it. Here’s the code: Is there
Selenium problem with ElementClickInterceptedException
I am trying to scraping in this URL, dealing with a Download button and I am having a problem, as the last line gives a ElementClickInterceptedException. My actual goal is to download the CSV file. The code: enter image description here Answer Element you trying to click in initially out of the visible viewpoint. So, you need first to scroll
error in row or column number python openpyxl
Error trace :’python openpyxl row or column value must be at at least 1′ I’m attempting to use Python to extract data and write it to an Excel spreadsheet. it gives me an error that row and column values must be at least 1. Though they are not by initialize value equal to 0, I add them by 1 and
clicking on hyperlink using xpath and css selector do not work
I would like Selenium driver to click on the export button as shown in the image. Here is the html code: I tried: from the suggestion here driver.find_element(by=By.XPATH(“//a[@href=’/index.php/filter/export/f/KbInvoiceFilter/m/kb_invoice/a/list’]”)).click(); but it returns str is not callable. Then, I tried using CSS_SELECTOR based on docs here: it returns NoSuchElementException Answer Try with below OR Add the ExplicitWait
Failed to get only the “text” from “span” by selenium
this is my code: my results: site element: I want to get only the number “16.98”, instead im getting the whole element. When im trying to write “.text” it returns “none”. Answer Instead .text use get_attribute(‘textContent’) the element might be hidden on the page. This should return $16.98 to get the 16.98 use string manipulation like
Switching to a frame and back invalidates WebElement
This function receives a WebElement and uses it to locate other elements. But when I switch to an iframe and back, the WebElement seems to be invalidated. The error I get is “stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document”. Relocating the WebElement is not an option, since it’s passed as an argument. Any help would be
AttributeError: ‘WebDriver’ object has no attribute ‘find_elemen_by_css_selector’
I get this error:AttributeError: ‘WebDriver’ object has no attribute ‘find_elemen_by_css_selector’ What is the current usage? Answer Looks like you forgot a t