So, I am trying to make a simple project that simply just auto clicks all the details to fill out a form to get ready to post. It works perfectly up until just one element. There are 2 very similar elements; ones a category and the other is a sub-category. It states its unable to find the element, I’m fairly
Tag: selenium-chromedriver
Selenium problem with ElementClickInterceptedException
I am trying to scraping in this URL, dealing with a Download button and I am having a problem, as the last line gives a ElementClickInterceptedException. My actual goal is to download the CSV file. The code: enter image description here Answer Element you trying to click in initially out of the visible viewpoint. So, you need first to scroll
Switching to a frame and back invalidates WebElement
This function receives a WebElement and uses it to locate other elements. But when I switch to an iframe and back, the WebElement seems to be invalidated. The error I get is “stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document”. Relocating the WebElement is not an option, since it’s passed as an argument. Any help would be
Separate list obtained with selenium Python
I am developing a script to scrape a page of with selenium It extracts it as a list I am trying to scrape the Amenities part but I get the list all together, how could I separate it in a way that it would be separated like this? Tamaño del hotel: 331 habitaciones, Cuenta con 8 pisos Entrada y
I’m trying to write a simple whatsapp bot with selenium but the messaging loop won’t work properly. What is the problem?
Answer In your code, you’re calling textbar.send_keys(message) before checking if the message is exit. You should move up your if statement so that you exit the program sooner. And put the find_element inside the loop to avoid StaleElementReferenceException. Eg:
TypeError: EnumMeta.__call__() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘value’
I’m looking to setup a webdriver in a script as a headless. I’m able to run it as a non headless way but when i’m creating an instance of the Option() it says me missing 1 required positional argument: ‘value’ Here’s a replication of the issue I’m having on the project. Note: I’m new to Python! Answer You imported a
Incomplete scrapped data from using BeautifulSoup and Selenium
I am trying to scrape using beautifulsoup and selenium. There are 60 product in a single search results page. At the end of the code, I checked the extracted data using len() and it shows that I only extracted 42 of them. How should I fix the code to obtain all the search results? Here is the code that
Problem with selenium python (chromedriver) [closed]
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 6 months ago. Improve this question I have been using selenium in python now for over 2 years but
Automatically upload images on vinted
I’ve been stuck on a task for a few days. I can’t load images automatically on the vinted image browser. I tried running the following code: The problem is that the paths of the recovered images end up on the terminal where the script is run, while they should be set in the upload window. It almost seems that the
No Output While Running Selenium in Headless Mode, Working in Non Headless
“Questions seeking debugging help (“Why isn’t this code working?”) must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself.” The desired behavior is to create an output file of scraped pages as per this working code (in non headless mode) and here’s the shortest code necessary to reproduce