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Tag: redis

How to update a single value in redis hash

I’m using Python FastAPI with redis. I wrote a function to update values in a redis hash, but I couldn’t able to update a single value alone, I could only able to re-write the whole hash. My model: My function: Answer hmset is deprecated for hset – but if you want to only update a single key, do not send

Celery jobs not running on heroku (python/django app)

I have a Django app setup with some scheduled tasks. The app is deployed on Heroku with Redis. The task runs if invoked synchronously in the console, or locally when I also have redis and celery running. However, the scheduled jobs are not running on Heroku. My task: In Procfile: worker: celery -A my_app worker –beat -S django -l

RQ task from Flask keeps adding to queue

My setup is: Running Redis on docker locally running RQ in virtualenv(rq) running Flask in virtualenv(rq) Goal is to launch RQ tasks by hitting the Flask app. Redis seems to running fine, as does the rq worker (launched by “rq worker”) Simple tasks get queued and done. The simple subprocessed “ls” task2 runs fine. But my subprocessed python does not!

Fastest way to store a numpy array in redis

I’m using redis on an AI project. The idea is to have multiple environment simulators running policies on a lot of cpu cores. The simulators write experience (a list of state/action/reward tuples) to a redis server (replay buffer). Then a training process reads the experience as a dataset to generate a new policy. New policy is deployed to the simulators,
