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Tag: python

Search string in JSON values without the key

Is it possible to search through a JSON and find a single string? I just want to know if this sting is in the JSON or not. What I have tried before: but it prints lots of Nones. My JSON: How I call the method: Answer You could do str(json_value).find(“veeti”) > -1

Fixing code when printing frequent values, python

Related to Counter when 2 values are most frequent I made a demo list for the example, Running it with “for i in range (len(lines))”: First round, there is only one occurred value “1”, but in the second round there are 3: 41,23,67. That’s why I did a for loop and matched “most” to “a” but del_connected prints the wrong

Django Query Multi Table

I’m trying to do a form query on a field and the goal is to get all the kids enrolled in all the teachers classes in this drop down menu. The query I have right now is getting all the classes a teacher is enrolled in . However how do I retrieve the kids within those classes. I attached a

Multi Language DjangoCMS

I want use multi language in my project . I had install cms app core . But this app only English language. But I want multi language when I choose option . So I have to create anorther app or create new template or anything ? . I don’t know how to do it . Let me know the solution
