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Tag: python-3.x

How to rotate an QImage

I want to rotate my QImage by the amount of x. I don’t want to use QPixMap or the PaintEvent if possible. I have already searched for possible solutions but they didn’t work. Right now i am trying to solve it with the QTransform method: I don’t get any error message the image is just not rotated. Answer I found

Combine f-string and raw string literal

I’m wondering how to use an f-string whilst using r to get a raw string literal. I currently have it as below but would like the option of allowing any name to replace Alex I was thinking adding an f-string and then replacing Alex with curly braces and putting username inside but this doesn’t work with the r. Answer You

Sort based Dictionary of Dictionary of Dictionary Values?

I have a dictionary like this I am trying to sort dictionary based on KEY OF LAST VALUES(LIST). FOR EXAMPLE I am looking for get dictionary value like ‘C’ IN first and ‘D’ in second I’m trying to get correct order. Here is code: Unfortunately didn’t get correct result This is my expected output I am using python 3.5 .

join two patrition dataframe pyspark

I have two dataframes with partition level 2. Dataframes are small probably around 100 rows each. df1 : df2: my final df will be join of df1 and df2 based on columnindex. But when I am joining two data frames as per below it looks it is shuffling and giving me the incorrect results. Is there any way I can
