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Tag: python-2.7

unicode argument expected, got ‘str’

I’m using python 2.7.12. Running pd.__version__ returns u’0.19.0′. I’m using a module called dalmatian. For one of the functions, once I run verbatim what is provided in the documentation, I get the error: wm.update_participant_set(‘all_participants’, participant_df.index) TypeError: unicode argument expected, got ‘str’ I have an inkling suspicion that this might be due to the version of pandas or python that I’m

How to use a lambda as parameter in python argparse?

I have something like this, the idea is that -f parameter to be a lambda. But i do not know how to do it when I called from a bash shell because if a try: I get error: “error: argument -f: invalid function value: ‘x : x-4′” Some help? Answer To be able to access imported functions/modules you need to

How can I install the pylint for python2.7?

I try to install the pylint for the python2.7 which in ubuntu 18.04, but it raises an error with this words: I have been used the pip3 installed the pylint successfully for python3.6. So, how can I install the pylint for python2.7? Answer pylint still maintains support for Python 2 until maybe next year or so. But you need to

Retain environment of helper python script in main script

I’ve one helper script which I want to call from main script which is acting as a Server. This main script looks like this: Now Client will invoke this helper script by providing it’s name to main script(Server). After execution I want to retain variables of helper script (i.e: a,b) in main script. I know one way is to return

How to create a new text file using Python

I’m practicing the management of .txt files in python. I’ve been reading about it and found that if I try to open a file that doesn’t exists yet it will create it on the same directory from where the program is being executed. The problem comes that when I try to open it, I get this error: IOError: [Errno 2]

how can generate a image URL from image?

I am working on a face recognition API that accept only image URL . I want to generate a image URL from image of my local computer in python .Any solution to generate the image URL in python ? so I can pass the image URL in to API (that only take image URL). Here is my code : Any
