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Tag: python-2.7

Getting line number from the exception object

I have defined a custom Exception object and would like to get the line number of the exception. Now, if there is a exception in something() it throws the FlowException but it does not give me the exact line number, How can I get the line number from FlowException(ie; it failed when it executed 2/0)? Here is the output:– Answer

How to get() a widget’s IntVariable value from the widget?

I am trying to get the value of a Tkinter.Checkbutton’s variable using .get(), but I get an error. I tried plenty of combinations of everything I’ve seen all over stackoverflow and other tutorial sites. The error I get is: It should be an IntVar, not a _tkinter.Tcl_Obj object, which doesn’t have a get attribute, when I try, it raises an

No FileSystem for scheme: s3 with pyspark

I’m trying to read a txt file from S3 with Spark, but I’m getting thhis error: This is my code: This is the full traceback: How can I fix this? Answer If you are using a local machine you can use boto3: (do not forget to setup your AWS S3 credentials). Another clean solution if you are using an AWS

How can I increase the maximum query time?

I ran a query which will eventually return roughly 17M rows in chunks of 500,000. Everything seemed to be going just fine, but I ran into the following error: Obviously such a query can be expected to take some time; I’m fine with this (and chunking means I know I won’t be breaking any RAM limitations — in fact the

How to replace a word to another word in a list python?

If I have this list: Is it possible to replace every world to any other word without using any auto command, I am thinking about something like this: Answer You can use a list comprehension with an if-else. You now have a new list, list_B, where all instances of the word “world” have been replaced with “friend”.
