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Tag: python-2.7

Problems changing Ansible_Python_Interpreter

How can I change my ansible_python_interpreter value on Ubuntu? I downloaded and installed Python 2.7.12 from tar, and now it’s running by default outside of Ansible But when I try to set the variable, Ansible shows that it’s still using that newer version of Python (I need to use this older version to test) Answer It’s not possible to configure

AirFlowException – Python_Callable must be callable

I made a small change to an existing workflow, and it has broken airflow. Here is the code: Here is the error I’m receiving: airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: python_callable param must be callable Answer seems like you are passing trigger_report itself as the python_callable. Is this intentional? does it already have a value? (probably, otherwise you would’ve gotten a NameError: name ‘trigger_report’ is

Python code for finding top 5 processes using cpu

I am new to python and I have a simple problem of finding the top processes using the CPU. I was able to do it in shell using ps and sort. I have checked few but links but it do not help partly because the function is defined as below, ps_input will be something like below, Can someone help me

how can I find out which python virtual environment I am using?

I have several virtual environment in my computer and sometimes I am in doubt about which python virtual environment I am using. Is there an easy way to find out which virtual environment I am connected to? Answer You can use sys.prefix to determine which virtualenv you’re in. from the sys docs A string giving the site-specific directory prefix where
